Monday, February 4, 2013


The CRAZYVERSARY is now underway here at the blog and what better way to celebrate than with some Guest Strips?  So let's get this party started with our first Guest Artist, my CRAZY Canadian "Brother," Warren Frantz!

So Mike and Mindy went over to play with Gloria and Gayle Golz of Off Season and, well, one thing led to another and now a full scale war is going on!  Love the use of different sports equipment, especially the ones that are clearly Canadian! (God I miss that drink!)  Also love how Mindy proudly sports her bloomers there!  She's keeping granny panties fashionable!  And will somebody please tell me where I can get a Mud Launcher?

In all seriousness though, I love this guest strip by Warren.  I've done a couple of Fan Art pieces for him that can be seen here and here!  He's become a great friend of mine through twitter and even sent me a packet of poutine gravy mix and a copy of his book based on his Fam Jam Golf storyline.  Warren's a good man and a great cartoonist.  He was one of the many that came to my aid when I was down last month and for that, I'm forever grateful.  His wife and daughters are also just the most darling people.  Just a great bunch all around.  I'm proud to call all of them friends.

Well folks, that's part one!  Tomorrow, we'll be posting our first bit of Fan Art...  Literally!  So stay 'tooned!  Until then, catch y'all tomorrow!

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