Wednesday, September 29, 2021


We have reached it at last... The end of September!  And you know what?  That's okay!  Halloween is rapidly approaching and looking like it might be halfway normal this year!  We also got the BIG holidays coming too, but more on that when the time is right.  You know what time it actually is though?  Time for art!  So let's do this!  Enjoy...

Poor, poor child.  Piranhas can't be reasoned with!  When are we gonna call them what they really are: River Hornets?  The last theme of the Daily Doodle's Weird Pets Week from November 2014, piranhas was another one that I read it and immediately knew what I wanted to do with it.  Some themes just really grab ya, and this was one of them.  All the animal themes were fun to do.  I'm not a fast artist by any means, so I look back and these and am stunned that I came up with gags so quickly.  Maybe I need another daily art challenge in my life?  They certainly kept me on my toes.  Maybe in the future somebody else will start one up?

And that's a wrap for September 2021!  But fear not, for October starts tomorrow, and next week, we'll kick the spook factor into high gear with some monster laughs!  So be sure to come back for a scream or two!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


Time...  It just keeps slipping by don't it?  It's not totally bad though as the Spooky Season is upon us!  I do loves me some Halloween, but for now, I just gotta be a little more patient!  Anyway, let's get to the art, shall we?  Enjoy...

I'd like to be...
Under the sea...
In an Octopus' garden... 
In the shade...

Sorry, had to work a little bit of Ringo in there.  He was my favorite Beatle after all!  Octopi are highly intelligent creatures.  Why, Paul the Octopus at the Munich Aquarium even successfully picked the winners of every game from the 2010 World Cup!  Octopi are also very affectionate, though cuddling with one is not recommended.  Besides being kinda slimy, they're also quite the huggers!  The Daily Doodle's Weird Pets Week theme continues with one of my favorites from the whole thing!  When they said octopus, I knew exactly what I wanted to do and it is a hoot if I do say so myself!  And don't worry.  Ol' Octi let the boy go just after his face turned as purple as Octi is!

Another week down as we march towards the finale, which is next week now that I look at the calendar!  So be sure to come back and see September of 2021 off in grand fashion!  You'll be chomping at the bit I'm sure!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


We are back and it is the exact halfway point through September!  It seems the older I get, the fast time seems to pass.  Wish all the associated bull crap we are all going through would pass just as quickly, b ut that's neither here nor there.  Y'all want some art, and I just happen to have some!  So let's go!  Enjoy...

Flamingos. Big, pink and oh so smelly!  A zoo ain't a zoo without a flamingo pond, and you always know when you've arrived there when smell hits you at the front gate!  Even a few hotels and theme parks keep them on hand for visitors.  Knott's Berry Farm even had a flamingo pond once upon a time!  Today's art is from Weird Pets Week, a Daily Doodle theme from November of 2014.  There's no real story behind this piece.  Just something I did on the fly really.  For the last few years, a wayward flamingo has been making the salt flats of Imperial Beach his spring/summer home.  Considering that flamingos AREN'T native to the Pacific Ocean, it is quite the head scratcher that this colorful bird somehow wound up here.  Nobody knows how he flew so off course, but he's been a welcome visitor ever since.

That's all she wrote for this week, but we'll be back next time with some art that you'll really get a squeeze on!  So be sure to come back and see!  No pressure though!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


We are back!  How back are we?  Well I just said it didn't I?  Isn't that good enough?  It's not?!?  Alright, fine!  I guess I'll have to post some art then.  That ought to prove that we are in fact back and not just imagining things!  So let's get the ball rolling!  Enjoy...

Funny.  Usually it's the pets that pick up bad habits from their owners, not the other way around!  This is another piece from the Daily Doodle's Weird Pets Week from November 2014.  This particular day's theme was a sloth, so it just seemed like a natural to have it involve some silly sleeping!  Sloths are actually pretty darn adorable if you've never seen one up close, especially baby sloths.  They literally just sleep all day!  Can't imagine them being all that difficult to raise and take care of.  They're like living plush toys!  I had hoped to paint the backgrounds of this one using watercolors, but chickened out.  It's a new medium I'm trying and need a bit of practice with still, so I just Photoshopped the background colors in.  Paint Bucket's a marvelous tool for cartoonists just looking to do something quick and flat!

That's it for this week, but come back next Wednesday as we celebrate the halfway point of September with a particularly colorful bird!  Until then, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Welcome to September CRAZIES!!!  A lot has changed in the last few weeks.  Besides the Fall season now being here, I am BACK to work!  It has been a very long 18 months, but thankfully they started me off slowly, so I was able to ease into things in a smooth manner.  Will it last?  Only time will tell, but so far things have been working out.  Guess it's all up to fate for now.

But enough of that junk!  It's time for art!  And all this month, I've got some special pieces to show, but more on that in the commentary!  Enjoy...

That Rex.  Always gotta be munching down on those poor frogs!  Doesn't he know that frogs cause gas?!?  This art is VERY old, almost seven years even!  Way back when, there was a daily art collective on Twitter called the Daily Doodle.  Every day they'd put out a theme and artists from around the world would take part and draw said theme.  It was a lotta fun to do and required quick thinking.  Due to time constraints, I'd always do my entries in pencils, figuring I'd ink them in later.  After a few years, it became difficult to keep up with daily drawing challenges and Daily Doodle quietly bowed out.  A good many of those original pencil sketches eventually did get polished and wound up on this very blog, especially in the immediate post-M&M years.  But even I didn't always have time to go back and ink/color things, so for most of the last several years I've just been posting already completed art from other collectives because, well, it's just quicker.  But with me having August off from producing Bubble Fox comics, now seemed like a good time to revisit these unfinished sketches and finally give them the polishing they deserve!  This particular week back in November of 2014, the daily themes were kids with weird pets, with alligators being first!  I had a lot of fun with this one.  As a kid, I was terrified of alligators, despite living in a city where they don't naturally live in the wild.  I eventually got over my fears to the point where I wanted an alligator as a pet!  Needless to say, it never happened, but at least the kid in the cartoon had more luck!

That's all for this first partial week of September!  We'll be back next Wednesday with some more goofy kids and their equally goofy pets!  It's great to be back in the Fall!  I don't know what the future holds, but things are looking somewhat up with holidays approaching.  Just gotta count our blessings amongst the craziness.  Until next time, take care, stay safe and I'll catch y'all later!