Wednesday, February 28, 2018


The time has come to send another February packing.  But don't be sad!  Spring is coming soon along with a new set of festivities!  Not to mention, SHAMROCK SHAKES ARE BACK!!!  Think I'm gonna gulp one down while y'all read the post.  Enjoy...

You really gotta watch out for those Wacky Wolves.  They tend to be VERY unpredictable!  This was another combined Daily Doodle theme that came about after work likely kept me from being able to do one of them separately.  And the themes were literally a turtle drinking tea and a wacky wolf, so I just ran with it!  With wolves' natural huffing and puffing abilities, it just seemed like right that this wacky wolf would puff himself up.  And honestly, what turtle isn't regal?  I get the feeling these two will pop up in Bubble Fox someday.  They have a lot of personality!

 And hey hey!  Kim Belding has gifted us another piece of fan art, featuring the lovely, proper and VERY intense Mindy!

This came about after Kim commented on some Twitter art I did that Mindy's posture was off.  I jokingly gave him a hard time about it and the next day, Kim surprised me with this fan art of Mindy really taking it to Picpak Dog!  Poor Picpak.  He's been inflated more times than the Goodyear Blimp at this point, but darn it!  He makes a really good balloon!  It angered Mindy enough to break her silence even!  Thanks again Kim for the fan art and always being a good sport.  It was great to post some new Mike & Mindy art in their anniversary month again.

And that's all she wrote for February.  Next month starts the countdown to WonderCon 2018, so the art will be going on a break for six weeks as we bring you loads of pics from WonderCon's wonderful past!  So strap on your Jedi costume and come on back for some comic convention fun!  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Wow!  Halfway through February already?  Wild how fast time flies, especially through the only month that can be perfectly divided up into four weeks!  But enough math.  You didn't come here to learn.  You came for some art and I plan to deliver!  Enjoy...

This snake has really coiled around his fashion beliefs!  This was another of the Daily Doodle's alliteration themes, this time featuring a Scarfed Snake.  Of course, I had to make it a little more fun than that, so I put an ascot on him instead!  It's kind of a scarf, isn't it?  Depending on the snake, I doubt any would really care or notice if you put a scarf on them.  Aside from the venomous ones, most snakes are fairly sedate and would probably just slither out of it!

And that's all for today.  We'll be back next time to close out February with some inspired wackiness!  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


And we're back!  Got a couple of things to show you today!  So let's skip the banter and move right on to the art, shall we?  Enjoy...

Uh oh!  A creature that big loaded with insanely gassy foods that close to a lit flame can be downright dangerous!  This was another Daily Doodle theme and it simply said draw a bear and a duck.  Once again, I'm not sure what my thought pattern was with this one, but it got some pretty big laughs and led to these two eventually appearing in a Bubble Fox storyline as Dr. Duck Daring and Trouble B. Bruin!  The story was a hit and I owe it all to this insanely wild piece!

And now for the special surprise!  It's been a while since we celebrated it here, but February does mark the anniversary of the launch of the CRAZYVERSE, which began in 2014 with nothing more than a couple of monthly comics and a whim.  Fast forward eight years later, it now spans five comic series, three websites, a Twitter page, four books (With a fifth coming) and a clothing line!  Even I never thought I'd spread my ambitions that far!  It truly has been loads of fun doing this all these years and what a pleasant surprise it was when my dear pal, Kim Belding, sent me this comic to celebrate Mike & Mindy's anniversary!  Nobody gets my characters the way Kim does, so it's always a thrill to get a toon from him!  Enjoy...

Mike and Mindy always had an interesting love/hate relationship with each other, but I'm very curious to see how things work out between the sink and the squirting flowers!  Only a mind as wild as Kim's could've come up with something this hilarious!  Someday I might just sell M&M to him.  Who else could make it work this great?  Thanks again Kim for the comic and for remembering my kids!

That's all for now.  We'll back next time with a very stylish reptile who knows his scarves!  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Welcome to February y'all!  Pretty exciting times ahead!  Black Panther comes out this month and the Oscars are just a few weeks away!  Not to mention, we're little over a month away from the first big con of the year, WonderCon!  But more on that as the weeks progress.  It's time for some art!  Enjoy...

Not sure why the Pig felt that a Penguin would be a noble steed, but that Rabbit's gone, porky!  This theme came about after I missed a couple of Daily Doodle themes that seemed to center around alliteration, one of which was "Rollerskating Rabbit" and the other being something about a pig and a penguin.  All I can really remember about it was that I combined the themes and for some reason I made the pig an antagonist riding the penguin.  I'm sure scientists are dying to study my brain someday after I kickoff to see just what the hell is going on in there!

And that's all for this week!  We'll be back next time for a special post as it also contains some special CRAZY fan art!  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!