Wednesday, October 25, 2017


HAPPY HALLOWEEN MY CRAZIES!!!  Yes I know it's really in six days, but by the time next Wednesday rolls around, it'll be November!  Besides, Count Bubbula (Pronounced "Bubb-YOU-la") wanted to show off his costume while the time was still right!  I miss the days of dressing up and going trick-or-treating.  School was especially fun on Halloween as it was the one day of the year we were pretty much allowed to run wild all day!  But alas, those days are long gone.  These days, I spend my Halloweens building cool props to spook up my yard!  We just gotta find ways to make our own fun when we get older!  Anyway, it's time for some art!  Enjoy...

In the Pumpkin Universe, they dress as us!  This piece came about last year when good pal Mark Stokes had done a comic where his adorable character, Solstice, dressed as a pumpkin in a Zombie Boy comic.  I myself had done a Halloween avatar for my Twitter page that had Bubble dressed as a pumpkin and we both talked about how kids dressing up like pumpkins seemed to be a staple of the holiday.  Mark jokingly said he'd like to see a pumpkin dressed as a kid someday, and low and behold, I whipped this up the following week!  Since it's usually girls that don the foam gourd, I felt a pumpkin dressing as Mindy seemed most appropriate, albeit a little creepy!  There's just something about the pumpkin's glee that cracks me up every time I look at this!  Thanks again for the great idea Mark!

And that's a wrap for October!  We'll be back next time to kick off some Thanksgiving fun!  In the meantime, have a fun and SAFE Halloween folks.  Be wary and alert and mind the little ones running about.  Until then, Happy Halloween, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Oh!  Hello there!  Back again already?  Well, we are more than halfway through October now and Halloween is rapidly approaching!  I don't know where time goes exactly, but it sure would be nice if we had more of it every so often.  But enough rambling.  It's time for some art!  Enjoy...

One of the coolest things about taking part in Inktober last year on Twitter was getting the chance to pay tribute to all my wonderful pals in the web comic world!  That's where today's art, and last week's as well, came from!  Mark Stokes, the genius behind Zombie Boy, has long been a dear friend of mine.  He was the first big artist to befriend me on Twitter and has become a mentor in many regards.  Much like Tim Green, there aren't enough words to describe how great these guys are and how much I love their art.  Hopefully the Halloween spirit has inspired some new comics from them!

That's all for this week.  Come back next time for some inspired Halloween art and a message from Bubble Fox himself!  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Welcome back CRAZIES!!!  We are now in the art portion of October!  And I couldn't think of a better way to kick things off then with an homage to the evilest little girl in ALL of comics!  Who is this little hell cat you say?  Scroll down to find out!  Enjoy...

Any long time fan of the CRAZYVERSE should probably recognize the kid above.  It's none other than Sunny from Tim Green's amazing comic, Vinnie The Vampire!  Sunny's both adorable and dangerous, making her the breakout star of the comic!  Timbo hasn't been posting lately, but I know how much he loves Halloween, and am hoping this love will bring about the retyrn of Sunny's alter ego, the masked Halloweener!

Well, that's all for today.  We'll be back next week with an homage to another web comic pal that's equally spooky and fun!  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Welcome to October CRAZIES!!!  After a week delay, we finally got our review of Long Beach Comic Con 2017 up!  And really, what better way to kick off Halloween month than with a bunch of people in costumes, am I right?  It was a weekend of fun, wonder and some awesome action figure scores, so enough clowning around!  Let's hit the road and go back to Long Beach!  Enjoy...

Sexy Dumb And Dumber cosplay.  Some things just aren't meant to be sexy!

Hey Arnold! cosplay!  "Helga" had the perfect unibrow going there!

Cholo Peanuts!  This is a variant I can get behind!

Some great The Mask cosplay happening here!

My favorite cosplay of the con!  Hard to tell in the pic, but his vest and "Lightning" lit up!

Couldn't get to close to this dude.  He nearly put an eye out!

Spy vs. Spy, friendship is mayhem!

And the most creative use of a "Hoverboard" award goes to Aladdin!

One of the cooler things LBCC has is the laser tag arena they put up in the exhibit hall every year.  They also had a gaming arena set up on giant screens where people took part in Mario Kart and Smash Bros tournaments the whole weekend!

She put a spell on Billy!

Slapshot cosplay!  It's about friggin time!

She's Mary Poppins y'all!

"Peace among worlds!"

The Justice League was there and ready to take on their worst foes yet: Film Critics!

Sorry dude.  The Festival Of Fools is in Washington, DC right now!

His spidey sense was tingling at the thought of a non-MCU Venom movie!

I've seen plenty of Mad Eye Moody cosplay since the Goblet of Fire came out, but this is easily the best one!

 Little Flash, meet R2!

One step ahead of the Sith...

The new It hadn't come out yet, but I'm almost certain Pennywise cosplay will be dominating all the cons next year!

And that was Long Beach Comic Con 2017.  Despite the circumstances leading into the weekend, I still had a good time.  It was somewhat of a down year for LBCC.  Attendance-wise, it was probably the most people I've ever seen there.  Doing it during Labor Day weekend helped as they didn't have to compete with the NFL on Sunday this time.  However, they also did it during the same weekend as DragonCon in Atlanta and Fan Expo in Toronto, so many of the big name vendors that usually go to LBCC weren't there.  At least 13 regulars that I see there every year didn't come.  Hopefully next year they'll be back.  I did get some awesome action figure and trading card scores at least!  I'm always on the look out for obscure treasures, and one booth had them in spades!  Overall, I needed a weekend away and it helped out a lot.  It was a good time and I look forward to being back next year!

That's all for today my CRAZIES.  We'll be back next week with some art celebrating the very personification of Halloween!  Until then, take care and I'll catch y'all later!