Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Well folks, another Comic Con has come and gone, and boy was it insane this year. I didn't really get into a whole lot of panels, but I did get to see the Danny Elfman panel (I guess I owe a debt of gratitude to TRON: Legacy for luring everybody to Hall H for that one). I won't bore you guys with all the details. I figure it's best to let the pictures do the talking. Still, it was a great show, save for the dude who got stabbed in Hall H, and I can't wait until next year. I already got my ticket!

Anyway, enjoy the pics, and I'll be back next week with a huge comics update, as well as a rundown of how the first AFTERCON Art Show went. Y'all take care now!

Trolly signs, in KLINGON!

Robot Chicken's Seth Green. This dude is really tiny in real life!

Cobra Commander, the new God of Thunder.


The totally awesome HUB Experience at the Marriott. This thing was really cool and open to everybody, badge or no badge! The Hilton had a similar deal featuring Clash of the Titans swag.

The Scott Pilgrim ad. I watched them put this up the week before, and I think it's still there now.


The Ecto-1 makes its rounds through Downtown San Diego.

In case you ever wondered just how massive this thing is, here you go. And this is only two halls!

Hey! Itsa Mario!

Straight outa Endor: Pimp Boba Fett and Pimp Vader.

Jack Sparrow: "Sheesh Princess! That's not very ladylike!"

So exactly what do you get when guzzle down sweets?

Check it out, they finally got off the island.

Beastman and female Skeletor!

Casey Jones, a Foot Soldier and April O'Neal find common ground at Comic Con.

Hangin' out with the King, Jerry Lawler.

The Killing Joke (A great Batman story kids).

Blanca terrorizes the Gaslamp Quarter.

Muppeteer Karen Prell performing Red Fraggle at the Hub. She was a very kind and sweet lady.

Andre the Giant! Back from the dead and in the mood for some of those awesome Legends Series figures that Mattel just released. Big props to Mattel for going with WCW-era Big Van Vader and AWA-era Road Warriors for the first wave. They also have Jake the Snake Roberts with the cobras instead of Damien!

The robot from Red Faction. People could actually climb inside of this thing!

The scene outside of Hall H, moments after a man was stabbed in the face with a pen by a disgruntled Harry Potter fan (and no, I am not making that up) over a seating dispute.

Apparently, Lord Jiraiya was powerless to stop it. Perhaps he summoned the wrong toads?

I can't say I agree with this guy, but it's still a pretty funny shirt.

Dave's not here man! (Sorry, couldn't resist)

Screw Cobra Commander, Oscar the Grouch is the new God of Thunder!

The G.I. Joe/Cobra faction is always well represented at the Con. These guys get major props for going with Cobra Commander/v.3 and adding Sgt. Slaughter to the mix. On a side note, my friends and I often refer this version of Cobra Commander as "Mighty Morphin Cobra Commander". Yeah, we're nerds. Deal with it!

Pirates and Fraggles. Only at Comic Con.

What the? Why it's Rerturn to Oz! On Laserdisk! Seriously though, this is a very underrated film, in my humble opinion of course.

The exhibit hall as things begin to wind down on Sunday afternoon.

One last look at the lobby outside of Hall G.

That's all for now folks. See ya next week!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Well, folks, we are now just one week away from Comic Con 2010. It is shaping up to be an awesome show, with a lot of great panels and guests. I'm particularly looking forward to the Danny Elfman panel. The former Oingo Boingo frontman is celebrating his 25th anniversary as a film composer, so they're giving him a panel to discuss his many great musical scores (the score to Beetlejuice is my all-time favorite). Anyway, above and below are the official announcements for the Aftercon Art Show. Mere words aren't enough to describe how cool this thing is going to be. I'll be there to discuss my pieces, do sketches, and just plain party! So come on down to the Aftercon at 655 10th Avenue. You'll be glad you did!

Since I won't be able to post next week due to the convention, I thought I'd give everybody a quick look back at Comic Con's past. These pics come from the 2008 show, a great event that I'll always remember for a hysterical moment that occurred at the Watchmen panel. During the question and answer panel, a dude dressed up as Batman was the second person to ask a question, and when he popped up on the all the screens, everybody in Hall H busted out laughing! It took a few minutes before he was actually able to ask his question. Video of this moment does exist if you type in "watchmen panel batman" on youtube. Sadly, the Watchmen movie was nowhere near as entertaining as the panel.

Anyway, enjoy the photos!
The outside of the San Diego Convention Center.

Castle Grey Skull! An Awesome monument.

The SciFi Chanel booth. Sadly, they weren't there last year, and the booth actually broke on the last day.


The really cool slime wall of the Ghostbusters booth. My brother Dante helped build this thing. I helped set up the video in Room 6CDEF in 2008.


Teela and Evil Lynn. Only at Comic Con!

Who ya gonna call?

Shrek and Fiona. Cute couple, no?

Talk about dedication, these guys did every incarnation of Dr. Who!

"Come with me if you want to live!" (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

60's Batman. It may have been goofy as hell, but man was it funny!

One of my childhood icons; Mystery Science Theater 3000's Joel Hogdson.

The original super hero, J.C.

It was a great show, up until Cobra showed up!

Evil Cheerleaders. I'd date one!

Cobra, again. From the looks of it, Destro may have been enjoying the M&M's, chips and sodas at the hospitality suite a little too much.

Ricardo Medina, Ecto Mugshot.

One last look at the exhibit hall. It's always real sad to leave this thing.

I thought I'd end today's post with a quick recap of the play Avenue Q. Despite being a stagehand, I've never been much of a fan of plays. However, I loved Avenue Q. It was funny, poignant and brutally honest. And the songs were outrageously funny, with "It Sucks to be Me" and "What Can I do with a BA in English" being the real highlights. So long as your 18, I'd say go see it if it comes to your town!

Well, that's about it for this post. I'll be back in couple of weeks with a full recap of Comic Con and the Aftercon. In the meantime, I'll catch y'all at the Con! Take care everybody!